Terms & Conditions
General terms and conditions Groomers Mall GmbH (GTC)
The following terms and conditions of the company Groomers Mall GmbH with its headquarters at Lohwisstr. 36, 8123 Ebmatingen (Zurich, Switzerland) apply to all products and services of groomers-mall.ch.
A customer is every corporate body and physical person who gets into business correlation with groomers-mall.ch. Every corporate body or physical person who buys products via our Online-Shop is accepting these terms & conditions by clicking the corresponding button whilst ordering. Ordering without accepting our terms & conditions is not possible.
Our terms & conditions may change over time. An up-to-date version of our terms & conditions will be available for reviewing at groomers-mall.ch.
Please carefully read these terms & conditions before accepting!
If any questions arise out of the following terms & conditions, please contact us at info@groomers-mall.ch.
Contract of purchase
The contract of purchase results out of sending the confirmation of purchase to Groomers Mall GmbH and is valid between the customer and Groomers Mall GmbH. After sending the confirmation of purchase, the customer will receive an automated e-mail which confirms the order.
This e-mail is no confirmation of the product being available or of it being able to ship out. At the event of an order not being able to be delivered, the customer will be informed. At such an event, the contract will become void. Resulting in the contract becoming void, Groomers Mall GmbH is not obligated to any compensational delivery.
The products ordered remain the property of Groomers Mall GmbH until full payment is made.
The prices as seen in the online shop of groomers-mall.ch are all given in Swiss Francs (CHF).
The prices as seen are noncommittal as long as there was no explicit mentioning of commitment to the customer.
The firm Groomers Mall GmbH reserves the right to change any prices, take out of the catalog or change any products at any time. At the conclusion of a valid contract, the prices as displayed at the time, apply.
Conditions of payment
The products are generally only delivered on advanced payments (we accept: Bank transfer/Paypal/Mastercard/VISA/American Expr./Postcards/PostFinance/TWINT). A payment via facture will be available after your first order (only for registered clients with address in CH). If the products are being picked up on location, cash payment is possible.
The goods are property of Groomers Mall GmbH as long as payment is not completed.
Right of rescission/reshipment
Exchange or return of unfitting articles is possible within 5 days after receipt if the article is original packed and is unused.
Exception: clipper blades and scissors can’t be exchanged or returned because of hygienic reasons.
The postal charge for returning the products is to be paid by the customer. The customer is responsible for the professional transport. If the article is damaged by any means or in any way rescission is not possible.
Any problems are to be reported within five days of arrival of the article.
Contact and address for rescission/reshipment: Groomers Mall GmbH, Lohwisstr. 36, 8123 Ebmatingen, Tel: 079 587 52 98 or email: info@groomers-mall.ch
Possible color or model changes are retained explicitly.
Privacy protection
Groomers Mall GmbH only saves customer data which is needed for delivery, order or customer service. Customer data is not exchanged with third parties.
Protection of customer data is our number one priority here at Groomers Mall GmbH that is why we handle customer data very carefully.
All pictures in this shop are proprietary. The pictures are property of Groomers Mall GmbH or companies in contract with Groomers Mall GmbH. They cannot be used without explicit content of Groomers Mall GmbH or the companies in contract with Groomers Mall GmbH. If infringed, legal measures may be used.
Groomers Mall GmbH is obligated towards its customers to carefully adduce its service according to these terms and conditions and the Swiss Obligationen-Recht.
Any liability by the firm Groomers Mall GmbH is excluded, especially to any damage to products by improper installation and/or handling. Any claims for indemnity by deliveries or impossible deliveries are excluded insofar as there has been no existence of deliberate or negligent action.
Applicable law and court of jurisdiction
Any privity of contract between Groomers Mall GmbH and a customer is subordinate to Swiss Law.
The exclusive court of jurisdiction for all lawsuits is the registered office of the firm Groomers Mall GmbH in Ebmatingen (Gemeinde Maur, Zürich, Switzerland).
Forch, January 2021