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Clipper videos

ANDIS Pulse ZR II and Galaxy

Cordless dog clipper, extremely quiet, 5 speeds, powerful, 1 battery runs up to 3 hours on a full charge, 2 batteries included.

A great, very ergonomically designed machine, well suited also for beginners!

Clippers and blades SnapOn

SnapOn blades mounting - all brands

In a short video we show you how to put SnapOn clipper blades on your clipper.

SnapOn blades: disassembly and reassembly

I will show you how easy it is to disassemble and reassemble a SnapOn blades. I offer you 3 possibilities - very easy - easy and a bit more difficult.

Cleaning SnapOn clipper blades (without disassembling)

Cleaning your blades regularly will prolong the life of the head and prevent the transfer of bacteria and fungi.

We will show you how to quickly clean a SnapOn blades without taking it apart.

Folding up the blade hinge on SnapOn blades

A short video in which we show you how to raise the hinge on SnapOn systems.

Attachment combs

I will show you how to attach the ANDIS attachment combs to the blade.

Nail grinder

Nail grinder

It is practical and safer than claw nippers. Especially black claws can be safely shortened with the claw grinder. See for yourself how easy it is to use.

Miscellaneous clippers and blades

Cleaning clippers correctly - no matter which brand

I show you in a short video how to clean your clipper best and what happens if you do this wrongly

Cleaning clippers correctly - no matter which brand

I show you in a short video how to clean your clipper best and what happens if you do this wrongly

Differences between various clipper blades

Our video shows you the most important differences in clipper blades and should help you to make the right choice.

Clipper blades sharpness test

This way you can test with a wide thread if your blade is sharp or blunt.

Before you send us a clipper blade for sharpening

Every now and then we get blades that would not need a new grind yet. The shaving plates would still be sharp, but the blade no longer cuts. This happens when dirt and hair get between the plates. We show you a quick and easy way to clean blades

Video Collection ANDIS